28 December 2006
Oh No! Somebody Set Us Up the Bomb!
All Your Base Are Belong To Us!

27 December 2006
26 December 2006
I got a pretty good haul of miniatures for Christmas. I got an Orc Warboss, some Night Goblin Fanatics, a Snotling Pump Wagon, and a Goblin Doom Diver Catapult for my Orcs and Goblins Army. I also got the Reaper Townsfolk set for my Pirate Tavern, as well as a Grave Horror for my Warlord Necropolis army. In addition, my wife gave me The Games Workshop Complete Catalog 2006-2007, which I've been using to plan a couple of conversions for my Orcs and Goblins. I also got a Cabela's Gift Card which I will use to buy one of these bad boys. My parents got us a set of super electronic toothbrushes that do everything but tuck you in at night. They're pretty cool. Loot-wise, it was a very good Christmas.
24 December 2006
A Very Busy Christmas
22 December 2006
19 December 2006
Basset Hounds Are Not Lap Dogs
I got the new Skirmish Campaigns book from Scott Fisher in the mail today. It looks like it should be fun. I'm hoping to get my initial order of Micro Armour during the first week of April, which will get the ball rolling on me playing the scenarios from the Drive on Minsk book.
A Sample Base

Pirates and Skaven Bases

Not Much Progress
17 December 2006
One More Irate Pirate

16 December 2006
Production Is Up, Matey!!!
15 December 2006

I Can't Sleep
I'll need 12-16 pirates, depending on how many players I have in the game. I think I have enough purchased to at least have three teams of four pirates, and I currently have all but four of them painted.
I need to get Reaper's Townsfolk pack with the bartender and serving wenches, and I'm thinking about getting this little deal from Impact! Miniatures. The Beer Garden Beauty isn't really period accurate, but she does have a certain charm and the barrel pyramid and monk will be good scenery for the tavern.
I'll also need some suitable miniatures to represent a small group of noblemen/merchant types and their bodyguard. I could also use a contingent of the Governor's Guard and, of course, the Governor's daughter. Maybe I will add a couple of civilian-type figures to my collection as well.

The tavern will have at least one main room with the bar, tables, benches, and other scenery. I'll probably divide off a portion of the box and build some back rooms with the barrel pyramid and maybe an office with a locked trunk in it or something. I'm still a bit fuzzy on what exactly I want the tavern to look like. I'll probably do some poking around on the internet to find some similar scenery and borrow from that. Theoretically I could have a game ready to go as soon as late spring. That would be pretty awesome, considering that I bought the pirates and Blood and Swash rules approximately ten years ago and will finally be able to use them. Anyway, that's the plan in a nutshell. Hopefully I can get to sleep now.
14 December 2006
Yo! Ho! Ho!
And here's something that made me laugh today. When I came home from work I noticed that the garbage men (sanitation engineers?, waste removal persons?, the noble men and/or women who remove unwanted items from the curb as a civic service?) had left the neighbor's garbage cans in the driveway, which is normal. The trailer park manager has probably requested that they do that so we'll actually bring our trash cans in on the afternoon of trash day.
Anyway, later on I went out to get the mail. As I got to my house I saw the neighbor coming down the road in his truck. After I went around the side of my house I heard an awful grinding metal-on-metal sound. The neighbor completely ran over his garbage cans. He jumped out of his truck and commenced to swear and kick the garbage cans all over his driveway. It was quite the display of rage.
Oh, and one more thing miniatures-related. A while back I ordered the Russian '41 - Drive on Minsk book from Skirmish Campaigns. The book ended up being short one page. I e-mailed one of the book's authors and he hooked me up with a file containing the missing page and offered to replace the book for me. I left the decision to replace the book up to him as I can easily get by with a printout of the file. Today I got a message from him that all of the books are missing that page and that he's sending me a copy of their newest book free of charge. So it's like a free Christmas present.
12 December 2006
All That's Left
Jezzail Teams Finished

End of the Fantasy Football Regular Season
10 December 2006

I've also been trying to find some enjoyment in World of Warcraft, as it seems I am the only person in my immediate group of friends (all five of the people I know, who all happen to be related to me) who is not excited about the game. I played for a little while yesterday "helping" my little brother level up his Orc warlock. I had to start a new character to help him out, though, as his Warlock is on a different server than my characters. He was at level 6, so I'm not sure how much my level 1 Warrior really helped him out. I think that once my wife starts her World of Warcraft account back up I'll be able to enjoy the game a little more, as we can go quest together in some of the high-level areas and work toward goals other than the end-game sets and dungeons. The expansion is supposed to come out in mid-January, so then we'll have another continent to quest and grind in. And I still need to grind out about 100 more gold that my sister and brother-in-law lent me to buy a Core Marksman Rifle. I would also like to get my full tier 0 set, but that would require going into a few dungeons and instances that are somewhat time-consuming. And who knows what they'll come out with for the expansion? The tier 0 and 0.5 sets will probably be obsolete in a few months.
The neighbor has been trying to start his truck for about two hours now. I don't think it's going to start. He just had the starter going for about 35 seconds. I don't know much about cars, but I don't think keeping the starter going for that long is good for the vehicle. I'm sure he's not thinking about that at the moment, though. It sounds like he's hit the overwhelming frustration and anger stage of car repair. I hope he doesn't keep it up for too long, as I've got to wake up in about four hours for work.
09 December 2006
Blizzard Dupes Me Again for (Hopefully) the Last Time
06 December 2006
A Little Progress Today
05 December 2006
Just For the Record...
My Fantasy Football Season Goes Down the Toilet
Clanrats Finished

04 December 2006
Colonel Marbles' Miniatures Reviews
Johnny Cash Video
03 December 2006
3,000 Point Orcs and Goblins List
02 December 2006

01 December 2006
Another Trailer Park Story
30 November 2006
29 November 2006
The Orc and Gobbo List Will Have to Wait
- Finishing the Skaven army to the 2000-point level, as well as painting the Giant and perhaps a Unit of Clanrat Slaves to bring the list to 2250.
- Building a Pirate Tavern for use with the Blood and Swash rules. I need to paint about 8 more pirates, a barkeeper and some serving wenches, some of the local Town Guard, and maybe a civilian or two (perhaps the Governer's Daughter, a crochety old man, and some sort of Frenchman who feels the need to duel everyone). Hopefully I can use these props to run a tavern brawl for my wife, sister, and brother-in-law. My little brother could also be included, as well as any other family who wishes to try it out.
- Orcs and Goblins
- Maybe Warlord armies, maybe skirmish-level WWII Eastern Front in Micro Armour scale, maybe completing my 40K Witch Hunter army. I do have a 40K Ork list written up, but I don't think I'll get around to it. If I do another 40K list it will probably be an all-infantry Space Marine force. I'd also like to pick up a Foundry Pirate Horde and really have a lot of pirates to choose from when running tavern brawls. I suppose I'd also need to pick up a lot of various townsfolk and other bar patrons.
Skaven Army List
If anyone is interested in picking up my Skaven army let me know. I have to many armies (4) and people locally do not like playing my Skaven. PM me I will send you a list.
28 November 2006
Mission Accomplished
27 November 2006
Yay! Car Trouble!
24 November 2006
23 November 2006
I Am Now the Proud Owner of a Butterball Turkey, At No Cost to Me.
21 November 2006
Does She Have Big Boobs?
Deep Thought of the Day
18 November 2006
Google Earth
Our ball python has graduated to eating small rats, which is somewhat exciting to watch. We had been feeding her three mice at a time, but now it appears she can kill a rat without being harmed, and that is good news. Rats may be vile, smelly creatures, but they are not nearly as vile or smelly as mice.
I have recently become obsessed with a magazine called Keith Martin's Sports Car Market, which features high-end collector cars, especially older cars. The most interesting section for me is their auction reviews, in which they go to major car auctions and review each sale to see if the buyer got a good deal. It's sort of like watching Antiques Roadshow or something to see if the people who bring stuff in have a hidden treasure or a piece of junk. Most of the cars in the magazine are worth more than my life, but it sure is fun to read about them. One interesting article this month analyzed the costs of owning a Ferrari. The car in question ended up costing something like $10.40 in maintenance for every mile driven over the course of several years and 36,000 miles.
And finally, to address the elephant in the room, my dad has plans to take me down to Chinatown. I'm not sure what that means, and I'm not sure what his plans are regarding the truck. I could just call him up, but the cat and mouse on the internet is interesting enough to keep me busy until Thanksgiving. It seems that the man who sold the truck to my dad has found my blog. I'm not sure if he is one of the people who my dad enlisted to help take me down to Chinatown or if he just stumbled onto my blog by accident (highly improbable), but when two officer-types get together, anything can happen. I did pick up a Hot Rod Magazine special issue on body and paint work, just to see what it's all about, as I think I've mentioned before that my automotive knowledge is quite limited. It looks like I can do a lot of the work myself, which is good, since I probably have more time and energy than I do money to pay someone else to do it. Besides, what's the point of doing a big project if you have someone else do all the work? It's like paying someone in China to level up your World of Warcraft character so you don't have to put in the time to have your level 60. But the main point of all this is that I have no idea what my dad is planning.
16 November 2006
15 November 2006
I was going to build a Dwarf army next, but Dwarfs are mostly just beards and metal. It doesn't really sound like a fun army to paint, so I've been thinking about doing an Orcs & Goblins army instead. There seems to be a lot more variety as far as units, and the fluff has lots of room for different color schemes and whatnot. It is quite possible to do an Orc & Goblin army list and not have any of the units be the same. They also have a Warboss box set, which allows you to build your army general however you want him, while the Dwarfs only have two or three solid sculpts to choose from.