My wife got her starter deck for the World of Warcraft TCG today. The decks are random, and she pulled a Night Elf Resto Druid with Herbalism and Alchemy, which is the exact character she plays in the online game. I think she is pretty excited about that. I pulled some sort of Priest deck, and I think I'll just end up buying a preopened Hunter deck online.
The Limited Edition Raid deck is supposedly sold out already. You can find a few on eBay, but I imagine we won't be able to afford one. All of the stuff Upper Deck is doing to lure players of the online game into the card game seems to me to be geared too much toward the hardcore TCG player. The Raid deck was apparently printed in too few numbers for any casual gamer to get one at MSRP. The loot cards which seemed so cool at first are packed so rarely that no casual player is going to have much chance to pull one. And the points cards aren't worth enough to ever earn anything good. The Ogre costume trinket costs something like 50,000 points. With each pack being worth 100 points, you'd have to buy 500 packs of cards just to get a stupid costume trinket. The local shop sells packs for about $4, so you're looking at spending $2000 just so one of your online characters can dress up as an Ogre sometimes. And even the unique firework trinket is 25,000 points. No one ever looks at fireworks that people set off in-game, so why would you spend $1000 to have one of your characters do it? The whole thing seems like a rip-off and I don't even know if I want to support the thing at all. I think they could have done a lot better by the fans of the game and I hope the whole thing crashes and burns. If it does, maybe the cards will become cheap enough to actually do something with.
And here is our sneakiest family member, Buddy. He has a foot fetish. He loves to lick toes and has made off with just about every sock we own. It's impossible to get a good picture of him because he won't stop moving. I think that Basset Hounds are not as low-energy as they are reputed to be. Buddy hasn't stopped running around since we bought him. I saw a three-year old Basset Hound at the pet store today and she was running around like a lunatic. I have no hope for my dogs someday being stinky living rugs rather than the insane licking machines they are.
In Fantasy Football, Tiki Barber only scored four points for me and I wound up going 1-3 on the week like I figured I would. I am still ranked pretty well in my leagues, with teams in 1st of 14 (6-1), 2nd of 10 (5-2), 3rd of 16 (5-2), and a stinker in 8th of 10 (3-4).
Also, based entirely off of television commercials I've seen, Ford > Chevy because Toby Keith > John Mellencamp. I think it's funny that the Chevy commercial plays up how patriotic owning a Chevy truck is when the guy singing the song thrashes on America and the government during his concerts. One of the funnier news stories I read this year involved Vice President Cheney walking out of a John Mellencamp concert after the singer went off on the current administration. Then Cheney got the last laugh in, saying something like, "He wasn't playing very well tonight anyway." PWNED!!!
I did a little work on the Night Runners, but it's going very slowly. I think I may end up having to paint them on an individual basis, because I can't seem to get anything going on a mass scale. I don't know why, but they're just killing me.
I did some research for a Dwarf Army list today. I already had one written out, but I wasn't satisfied with it, as I had too many small units. So I printed off a few lists that are more balanced and will be working the kinks out of mine. At some point I will start acquiring the miniatures for that army, so hopefully as soon as I finish up these Skaven I can have some Dwarves ready to paint.
I also need to get my little Warlord armies painted up so I can build them up more. There are a lot of awesome miniatures in the Warlord line, and I'd like to get more of them. But I'd feel bad about buying more if they just keep getting pushed back behind Warhammer stuff.
I babysat my sister's baby for about an hour today. By babysat, I mean that I sat on the couch and took a nap while she slept on my lap. She woke up and farted a couple of times, but went right back to sleep and I figured that was that. After my sister and her husband came back, he and I went the the store to get some stuff for dinner. Apparently the baby farts were more than just farts. I am a bad babysitter because I didn't even realize she had pooped a lot. Like exploding out of her diaper pooping. If it doesn't stink, how are you supposed to know it's there?