31 August 2007
30 August 2007
29 August 2007
28 August 2007
Painted Rat Ogre
27 August 2007
I started working on the partially finished Rat Ogre again. I painted some details and started repainting the bandages that cover most of his torso. The first time I painted them, they came out a little too brown and blended in with the rest of the model. Probably more realistic, but not very exciting visually. This time around I'm using the same method I used for the purity seals on the Space Marines. The bandages will probably end up looking a bit too clean, but they'll "pop" a little more on the tabletop and add some color and variety to the figure.
I also sprayed some primer on my unit of Orcs, as I am going to start working on them once this Rat Ogre is done. Once I finish all that up I'll only need 4 more figures to meet my Pledge goal. Given my variable painting speeds that could take a couple of weeks or half a year.
My wife and I had our first class back at college today. It was pretty much as I expected it to be. I think that the hours from 6 to 9 in the evening on Mondays are my new least favorite part of the week. The good news is that we only have to have twenty pages of short stories written by the end of the semester. My History class doesn't have any work this week, and the work for next week doesn't count toward a grade, so in theory thast gives me enough time to get ahead on my fiction writing. I suppose we'll see how it goes. I've got an idea that I'm working out in my mind, but I don't know if it'll write out on the paper as wonderfully as it flows in my imagination. I often seem to be lacking the words to get my ideas out in the open.
With the announcement of D & D 4th Edition, books from 3.5 Edition are starting to pop up on auction sites at low rates. At some point I may start picking up some of the more interesting ones. From what I've heard 4th Edition sounds very interesting, but there are also rumors that the online components will be on some sort of subscription program with a monthly fee. I don't play D & D often enough to justify paying every month for the privilege of using the online tools, and it appears to me that much of the 4.0 content will be released through the various online utilities. I use the D & D books mostly for reading material, so I'll be fine with the older stuff that I can pick up on the cheap.
24 August 2007

23 August 2007
22 August 2007
The Guard Dog
No Real Desire to Play
21 August 2007
20 August 2007
17 August 2007
16 August 2007
15 August 2007
14 August 2007

At some point I need to finish my Skaven army and start on my Orcs and Goblins, but I find I work faster if I jump from project to project based on whatever I feel most excited about. I also need to start working on my pirate tavern, but I'm not sure exactly where to start with that project.
There are rumors of a Warhammer Mighty Empires campaign locally, but I don't know if my schedule will allow me to play. I'd really like a chance to play my 2250-point Skaven army and get the Dogs of War Giant out on the table. I spent two weeks painting him so he'll probably just die in the first round of shooting, but I do want him to see some action on the table.
This week I clinched a berth in the TMP Fantasy Baseball League playoffs. A playoff spot in that league is important because there is a fair-sized pile of miniatures on the line. My team has dominated for much of the season, but I ran rampant through the TMP Football League last year and lost in the first round of the playoffs. Once the playoffs start it's anybody's game. I should get a couple of Fantasy Baseball trophies this year, and hopefully the football season will be good to me. I've been enjoying my spot as the unofficial TMP Fantasy Sports Coordinator. Everyone has been quite sporting this year, and no one has given up, whuch makes for a better season all around. Even the last place team is still making roster moves and trying to beat their opponents every week.