19 June 2010

Manute Bol, Dead at 47

Manute Bol, who at 7'7" was one of the tallest people to play in the NBA, died today of liver failure and a skin condition he contracted while performing humanitarian work in his home country of Sudan. He spent nearly his entire NBA earnings helping his country and negotiating for peace between the warring factions of his homeland, an great example of unheralded selflessness. Here is an article about his humanitarian efforts. Too often we focus only on the on-court/field/stage exploits of big-name celebrities while ignoring or celebrating the excessive behaviors they exhibit in their personal lives. I know I am guilty of it at times. He probably should have had more recognition for the work he was doing, but it seems the humanitarian troubles of Africa are greatly under-reported in the media.

As an aside, look at the shoes on Bol and Muggsy Bogues. Those are some nice clean kicks, especially paired up with the tall (well, maybe not so tall on Muggsy) tube socks. That's vintage hoops right there. Muggsy's shoes are an ancestor to the Idaho Vandals Converse Star Player EVO I posted a while back.

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