I have just put the finishing touches on the Giant's right arm, and I have to say I am quite proud of him so far. Unfortunately my camera skills are poor enough that these photos don't quite capture the successive highlights from grey to white on his club. I included a picture of his face, but I am not quite finished with that part of him yet. The eyes are sculpted so small and set back into his head that I'm having a tough time getting in there to paint them. I am not sure as of yet how to approach them, so I will probably start in on the left arm next. Key points on the left arm are two shields which mount to the forearm and a human figure clutched in the Giant's hand. I don't think I'll quite hit my target of February 23rd completion, but I should be fairly close.

I tested my Fantasy Baseball rankings in an Autopick draft today, and my team looks to be pretty good, but maybe not good enough to win the league. I am a little overstocked on RPs and a little under where I wanted to be at 1B and 2B. I traded away some position players to the waiver wire to boost my SP rotation, and I think I may have enough pitching to carry most of the pitching categories. My batting may be enough to keep me in contention, but I'm a little light on runs and steals. Of course this will all go out the window as soon as the season starts, but it's fun to go over the numbers and make predictions. I just hope my live drafts go a little better. I got the short end of the stick on this draft by having the last pick in the first round. I tend to have bad luck with draft positions, but you can't let that be an excuse to lose.
Today my sister said it's strange that I am so obsessed with Fantasy sports, since I never played any sports in school or showed much of an interest in sports at all. I did have a pretty big obsession with basketball and basketball cards through some of my teenage years, but I rarely watched any sports growing up. I watch a lot of football now, but I've probably watched 10-12 basketball games and 1-2 baseball games in my entire life. I've never wathced golf at all, but I have a streak of Fantasy Golf teams that rank in the 95th percentile. My Fantasy NASCAR teams do pretty well, too, although I have only watched one or two NASCAR races in my lifetime. I think my obsession with fantasy sports has more to do with the number-crunching and list-making that goes on. I have no idea who any of the golfers are, but I have a little method for reading the statistics that helps me to pick winners and place high. I have always loved to make lists, play with numbers, and sort the statistics, so I think that has a lot to do with it. I also like the competition and finding ways to move myself up in the rankings. I play just as hard at moving from 11th to 10th place as I do trying to position myself at the top of the standings. Anyway, enough about that.
Actually, a little more about that. I think some of the same things that draw me to Fantasy Sports are the same things that draw me to miniature wargaming. One of my favorite parts of the wargaming hobby is making up army lists. I am not very good at interpreting the rules to give myself an advantage (aka powergaming), but I do like to play with the numbers and write out army lists, then take those lists and make more lists of miniatures I'll need to buy, schedules for completing the projects, and further lists for armies to fight against the lists I've already made.
I've also been thinking about what sort of job would qualify as my "dream job." I'm getting set to go back to school in the fall and I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life. Unfortunately, I have no idea what I want to do with my life, and I figure I'll probably just bounce along with FedEx and the National Guard until I find out. But I think my dream job would have to be running the reptile house at a major zoo. I can't think of anything more fun than spending my days with tortoises, snakes, and lizards. I'm assuming they'd throw in amphibians as well, and that would be okay. But reptiles are #1 for me.
Warm weather has been showing up off and on here, so people have been tooling around on motorcycles and making me jealous. I looked at the latest crotch rockets online today and felt the pangs of lust for them. Of course my last experience on a motorcycle was not that glamorous or thrilling, but all of the parts before I dumped it over were a lot of fun.