26 June 2006
23 June 2006
I Haven't Posted for a While
20 June 2006
19 June 2006
A Motley Assortment of Scurvy Dogs

Good Things Always Come in Threes

18 June 2006
My Second Pirate (Now With Better Pictures!)

17 June 2006

15 June 2006
It Took You Long Enough...

10 June 2006
Well, It's About Time

X-Men III Spoilers, and My Close Encounter With the Hulk
09 June 2006
My New Car
Here's the good news. I found another car in the local classified ads. It's a 1986 Nissan 300ZX. I called the guy this morning after I got done with the yahoos in Nevada and he said to stop by his hangar (he runs an airplane dealership) in the afternoon. So we did. We took it for a test drive and kicked the tires a little and decided that it was good to go. There are a couple of cosmetic things wrong with it, but nothing that can't be either ignored or fixed. Everything important works well. We bought it and drove it home. We paid $2300 for it and it lists for about $4000. I like it a lot. Here's a picture:

08 June 2006
07 June 2006
Fantasy Baseball
06 June 2006
I Bought a Car Today
As far as hobby stuff goes, I am pretty well hung up on the Sisters Repentia squad. Yesterday or the day before I stripped all of the paint off of the Sisters and started painting the Mistress. I'm having a tough time getting her done up well, though. It seems like she's just not sculpted as well as I'd like, so a lot of parts are very indistinct as to where one detail ends and another begins. It could just be a bad casting, too. I think I'll just have to get through painting this squad as fast as I can so I can move on to other things. Maybe I'll at least finish up the Mistress tomorrow and reprime the Sisters.
I had an odd experience with baseball cards today. I bought a "Fat Pack" of 2006 Fleer at Wal-Mart because I've been working on the set as a little side project to my renewed interest in Fantasy Baseball. Previously I had purchased four of these packs (200 cards) and only received one double. This pack mirrored one of the other packs card for card except for one player. So I basically paid $5 to get one common card for my set. I'm trying hard to be mad about it, but that's life. It just seems interesting that they would be packed like that. I wish they were a little more random.
05 June 2006
More Thoughts on Flesh Tones
04 June 2006
Flesh Problems
03 June 2006
01 June 2006
Red Rick is my Personal Hero