31 July 2007
30 July 2007
27 July 2007
26 July 2007
24 July 2007

Herbert has been enjoying her new cage immensely. Every so often she'll come flying out of her cardboard house and jump up all of the ramps to the top of the cage, and then she'll jump back down to the bottom.

22 July 2007
20 July 2007
I Love Technology
19 July 2007
I've Been Tagged
- Moving Sprinkler Pipes
- Milking Cows
- Idaho Army National Guard (Tank Driver, Humvee Gunner, Bradley Gunner)
- FedEx Freight Dockworker
Movies I Watch Over and Over
- Stuff I find on YouTube, mostly.
Places I've Lived
- Wichita Falls, Texas
- Aviano AFB, Italy
- Springville, Utah
- Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
- Eagle River, Alaska
- Boise, Mt. Home, Emmett, Moscow, and Meridian, Idaho
- San Diego, California
- Kirkuk, Iraq
Places I Want to Visit
- Maybe Europe again, so the wife will have a chance to go.
- Some National Parks and whatnot here in the States.
- Australia
Places I Have Visited
- Most of the U.S.
- Canada
- Amsterdam
- Germany
- Switzerland
- Italy
- Austria
TV Shows I Watch
- None
Websites I Visit
- These can mostly be found in my sidebar, although I do spend a lot of time on the Yahoo! Fantasy Sports pages. The majority of my online time is spent on The Miniatures Page, Fantasy Sports, various blogs, and the sites of miniatures and miniatures rules vendors.
18 July 2007
![]() | My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is: Ginny Weasley kills Ron in the study, with the lead piping. Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom |
17 July 2007
13 July 2007
12 July 2007
11 July 2007
- 3000-point Skaven army (with some extras)
- 3000-point Orcs and Goblins army (probably with extras by the time I'm done with it)
- 28mm Pirates, along with Tavern employees, the Governor's troops, the Governor and his daughter (for kidnapping), and various civilians
- Skirmish Campaigns WWII Eastern Front scenarios in 15mm or Micro Armour scale
- 28mm Old West
- 28mm Gladiators
- Super System superheroes, villains, bystanders, and whatever odds and ends I can add to them
- Space Marines, not sure on the point size yet
- Various figures that catch my eye but have no discernible use for me at the moment. This includes figures from Hasslefree, Impact!, Reaper, GW, and a multitude of other companies. I imagine I can work them into Mordheim warbands or HOTT armies.
- Mech combat, probably using Reaper's CAV figures and perhaps their rules as well
It seems like a lot of stuff, but compared to the lists of some Miniatures Page regulars, I am a relative lightweight. I guess I should go to work now, so I may remain among the gainfully employed.
We had some tentative plans to attend the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle with my sister and brother-in-law, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. It's a shame, as it looks like an extremely nerdy good time. Maybe next year.
I've decided to let my EVE Online trial account lapse, as I don't feel there is enough gameplay for the money in the game. It seems that you spend most of your time mining asteroids while waiting for your skills to level up, rather than actively working on something exciting.