17 July 2008

Orc Warboss Finished

I finished up my Orc Warboss tonight. I think he turned out pretty well. I will be adding a shield to him at some point, but I haven't got that painted yet. Now I just have to find an agreeable way to prime my figures so I can paint the rest of my 1000-point army.


  1. That guy is sweet! I love his cloak.

  2. Never say never. And I like your miniatures. You're a really good artist. I like the expression on his face.

  3. wow, i think you are really good at painting miniatures! it looks like it would take a long time just to do one, i can't imagine painting a whole army. props, dude, props.

  4. Thanks for the kind comments. This guy probably took 8-10 hours for me to paint. I'm somewhat slow and spent a bit more time on him because he's a special character. Since I paint regular orcs in batches and put a little less detail into the painting I can get them done in about 1-3 hours per figure.

    There are people who can paint better-looking figures in less time, and there are people who do amazing paint jobs that take 200 or more hours for one figure. It just depends on the quality:time ratio you are content with.
