Tonight was the night that I nearly made a ruins out of my kitchen. We got a new fridge a few days ago, and I decided to attempt the installation of the water line for the icemaker/water dispenser. After a couple of trips to Home Depot I had all of my fittings and tools. I had drilled the holes and run the water line earlier, which was a whole experience in itself. I at least managed to avoid drilling through the dishwasher, so that was a bonus. The old cold water pipe came apart fairly well and the new fittings and valves weren't too bad, but once I had most everything hooked up I had water pressure in every faucet except the sink.
I had to go into the crawlspace approximately seventy-five times to turn the water on and off. There are a lot of spiderwebs down there, and I saw at least one rather large Black Widow. I hate spiderwebs and dust and especially poisonous spiders. They make my skin crawl. I think they're neat and all, but not when I'm crawling around in their habitat. I didn't get bitten, so that's a plus.
But I couldn't get the water pressure to be more than a trickle and I was becoming angry. I banged around for a while and then took a break to clear my head. I had partially disassembled the faucet already, but an article I read led me to believe that the problem was deeper inside the faucet. I dug around and pulled the faucet all apart, sprayed water all over the kitchen, and felt some pretty big pieces of grit come through. Then I put it back together again and it worked better than it had before. And the water dispenser on the fridge isn't pumping out black water anymore. And my wife is still talking to me. So tonight I have been to the depths of despair and the heights of triumph. It worked out all right in the end.
I had to go into the crawlspace approximately seventy-five times to turn the water on and off. There are a lot of spiderwebs down there, and I saw at least one rather large Black Widow. I hate spiderwebs and dust and especially poisonous spiders. They make my skin crawl. I think they're neat and all, but not when I'm crawling around in their habitat. I didn't get bitten, so that's a plus.
But I couldn't get the water pressure to be more than a trickle and I was becoming angry. I banged around for a while and then took a break to clear my head. I had partially disassembled the faucet already, but an article I read led me to believe that the problem was deeper inside the faucet. I dug around and pulled the faucet all apart, sprayed water all over the kitchen, and felt some pretty big pieces of grit come through. Then I put it back together again and it worked better than it had before. And the water dispenser on the fridge isn't pumping out black water anymore. And my wife is still talking to me. So tonight I have been to the depths of despair and the heights of triumph. It worked out all right in the end.