31 August 2006
World of Warcraft Trading Card Game!!!
30 August 2006
Weird Al Should Make a New Song
25 August 2006
This Is A Respectable Trailer Park, Eh?
24 August 2006
I Might Be A Redneck
I went to my doctor on a follow-up visit about some back pain I've been having, and he said my back hurts because I have a job. I've been thinking that if I want to be healthy, I'd better stay home for a while and rethink this whole job thing. I'm going to run that thought by the wife and see how she feels about it.
I guess in other big news, my sister (the one who lives over yonder) just had her baby. She's a pretty cute little kid. So now I have two little nieces. That's pretty exciting, although it seems like my wife's never around anymore. She loves to go hold babies, so I guess I'll have to get her one of her own sometime soon. That way she won't always have to go hold other people's babies all the time. My dad got promoted, so that was a pretty big deal. A couple of Generals came to oversee that and we had to shake a bunch of hands. It reminded me a little of when we came home from Iraq and filed by the dignitaries and officers and had to shake all of their hands. It was like, "I have no clue who most of you are and will probably never see you again, but thanks for the kind words." But it's pretty cool that my dad got promoted.
An old friend from high school found my Myspace page and sent me a message to call him. So I did. That was pretty cool, although talking on the phone is awkward for me. I am mostly just putting this paragraph here because he now has the link to this site and I want him to feel extremely important. If I had any embarrassing pictures of him, this is where I would post them. You're safe for now, David.
I have been terribly neglectful of my miniatures lately. In fact, I've been neglectful of pretty much everything lately. I have a picture of my painting queue as it now stands. I didn't even blow all of the dust off, so you can see just how bad I've been at painting lately. On the front left, you can see my life savings.

09 August 2006
A Note for New Readers

08 August 2006
A Small Addition
Ninja Master!
I also have all of the miniatures I need to paint for my two starting Reaper Warlord armies. It's only 20 figures (and 10 of them are skeletons, easy money), so hopefully once I finish my last rank of Stormvermin I'll be able to knock those out really fast and invite my brother-in-law over for a game. If he's too busy, at least I'll be able to get some solo games in. After that I will probably work on some of the smaller Skaven units, like my two Poisoned Wind Globadiers, a Ratling Gun team, and some Night Runners with throwing stars.
Probably most of my time recently has gone toward World of Warcraft. My wife and I want to have our characters to level 60 by the time the expansion comes out, and we should be pretty close to making it. My Fantasy Baseball teams have finally started taking off. I'm ranked 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 2nd in my leagues. Fantasy Football season is coming up, so that's pretty exciting.
And the school year is getting close to starting. I'm currently signed up for two classes, although I'm not sure if they'll work out with my schedule. I may have to switch some things around if I want to go to school and actually pass this semester. It's hard for me to go to school anyway, but now that I've been away for so long it makes it even harder. It doesn't help that Boise State University has inferior instructors and their website is a mess to work with. The University of Idaho is so much better, but there are no jobs up in Moscow unless you want to work at minimum wage. Even then, you'll be fighting a million people for jobs. I also don't like all of the anti-Bush and anti-government baloney that goes on in the classrooms. It's fine if you feel that way, but I'm paying to be educated on English or History or Science, not on some teacher's view of the current world situation. I especially hate sitting in classes with fresh-out-of-high-school kids want to tell me exactly what's going on in Iraq. Maybe once you've been there you can tell me about it, kiddies. Rant over.
I had an interesting experience in my car today. Some guy in a 280Z pulled up behind us at a light and I could tell he was looking at me. Then he took out this big yellow camera, held it outside of his window, and took a picture of my car. At the next light we were in the left-turn lane and he pulled up beside us and said, "Looking good!" I guess he's a fan of Z-cars.